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To commemorate the launch of the new ULSv3 core, and the formation of the new ULS Consortium, we decided to do something special - A simultaneous launch by both partners in the group. On Klaz's site you will find the classic ST
shooter "Goldrunner" - while here, on our site we present a title that really deserved having all the stops pulled out
for it.

D-Bug of the ULS Consortium present to you "Geoff Crammond's F1-GP?"

Passwords: English: cars French: il German: auf

Of course, it wouldn't be D-Bug without a sparkly intro from GGN and some rocking music from Dubmood!

But that's not all!! Check the top bar of our site here and you will find a new link! ULSv3 - Yes, this new loading technology is now open source for anyone and everyone to use (With one exception, hehe).

Let the ST HD-Revolution begin!
The ULS Consortium