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"Full Steam Ahead Captain". Menu 190 a/b hits the streets. This menu is a little experiment, with the game Cannon Fodder a 4mb only game. 4mb only ? What the f***! We've thought long and hard, but making the game 4mb allows the game to be HD Installable and has no loading (After the initial load). Our version of Cannon Fodder is the only version to feature :- Full Game (intro not cut off) , Hard-Drive installable, and the ability to save games. (Superior, strange to remove this rather important feature from your version!). Thanks to the following people who helped with this menu - Slasher Bog of SFX (who supplied the original of Cannon Fodder back in 1993!) , Activ8 for play testing and finally to Dubmood who provided two excellent exclusive tracks which are used on the menus of 190 a/b. Feedback with regards the four-megging of this game would be appreciated. On 190 (b) you'll find the official D-Bug CD list 1-190.