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Since we didn't release anything in November, we thought we'd make December special (as is the tradition). So we decided to release a game each day up till Christmas! Here's the complete list:

Leander ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 - 4mb HD by CJ
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 - 2mb HD by CJ
Interphase ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 - 2mb HD by GGN
Badlands ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 - 1mb HD Drive by GGN
1st Samurai ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 (now fixed for TOS 2.06!) - 4mb HD by CJ
Golden Axe ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 - 2mb HD by GGN
Fire & Brimstone ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 - 2mb HD by GGN
Xenon ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 - 1mb HD by GGN
Parasol stars ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 - 1mb HD by GGN
D-Bug CD 198 A
D-Bug CD 198 B
Creatures ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 - 2mb HD by GGN
Heavy Metal Heroes ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 - 2mb HD by GGN
Indy Heat ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 - 2mb HD by GGN
Zool ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 - 4mb HD
Navy Seals ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 - 4mb HD by SHW
Chuckie Egg ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 - 1mb HD by CJ
The Addams Family ST/STe/mSTe/TT/F030 - 2mb HD by GGN
Super Cars II ST/STe/mSTe/F030 - 2mb HD by GGN
Awesome ST/STe/mSTe/F030 - 4mb HD by GGN
Toki ST/STe/mSTe/F030 - 2mb HD by GGN
Smash TV ST/STe/mSTe/F030 / TT - 2mb HD by GGN
The Black Lamp ST/STe/mSTe/F030 - 1mb HD by CJ
Devious Designs ST/STe/mSTe/F030 / TT - 2mb HD by GGN
Gods ST/STe/mSTe/F030 / TT- 2mb HD by SHW
D-Bug CD 199 A
D-Bug CD 199 B
D-Bug CD 199 C
D-Bug CD 199 D
D-Bug CD 199 E

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!